C & D customer service representatives want to hear from you, and we’re only a phone call away, whether to answer your questions, help you find the right product, or take your order. During our business hours of 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday, you can call us at (229) 551-1110.
- Answers to your product and technical questions
- Expert help in finding that hard to locate or special product
- Expedite special orders
- Personalized advice and suggestions

Browse our online catalog anytime, anywhere, then place your order with the click of button.
- Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Browse product descriptions, details and images
- Find and view MSDS and technical data sheets
- Easy order placement and tracking
Explore our catalog.

C & D can help you manage your inventories easily and submit your orders efficiently with our OrderLynx system. It features a handheld computer with a barcode scanner that captures your order, then sends it via the Internet to our E-Order site.
- Spend less time creating and placing orders
- Increase order accuracy
- Maximize technician’s efficiency
- Higher degree of inventory control & organization
- Month-end physical inventory capabilities
Contact us for more information.